
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Month Without You

A Month without You

Been a Month since I’ve felt relief in your arms
mind lost in wonder as my thoughts
continue to swarm
feel like I’m letting you down
cuz i never get to see you
but just remember 
the only girl I love will always be you
just promise me one thing
I’ll be the reason you smile
cuz as long as i can do that
you make my life worthwhile
ur all I ever think about
second of every day
every I think you are perfection 
in each and every way

I know you don’t think so
but you gotta open your eyes
because all I see is your beauty
past pains disguise
baby to soothe your pain
ill do anything and everything
because in a world of nothing 
you are my everything
ill take one second with you
over a life without you any day
if you weren’t in my life I got nothing to live for anyway…
