
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Tear Of Forgiveness

A Tear Of Forgiveness

She stands alone in the darkness
Without fear, without hesitation,
She will wait for a thousand years
Beyond eternity, she gazes
Her neck stout and held high
She cannot be detered

She controls time and space
Voices whisper around her
Muttering lies and words of betrayal
She listens to the sound of the wind
Blowing through a windchime 300 miles away
No words could be spoken to break her

A single expression, thoughtless expression
Is strewn across her face
As if she was stiff, still, a statue like figure
Amongst the shadows she stands
A single bloody tear drop falls from her eye
Breaking the plain of a puddle under foot

Waves of emotion cease to exist
In her time or in any other
Death and decay have consumed her soul
She no longer breaths purely
But contamination and over population
Ruin the integrity and honest of her world

Alone, a single bloody tear falls
Creating chaos and tragedy
No remorse for the sick
No sadness for the deadly sins
Created by this cold bitter world
And yet, she still sheds a bloody tear…

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